Thursday, October 1, 2020

Blog 5: 8 Values


    "Freedom of expression refers to the ability of an individual or group to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free from government censorship."-Freedom Forum Institute. Market Place of Ideas, Participation in Self Government, Stable Change, Individual Self Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent are the 8 values of free expression, a huge part of being an American. The great thing about America is that we are able to freely express ourselves without the government censoring us. We are able to say whatever we want, but that does not mean we can't get in trouble for what we say. 
    Free expression is so important for the American people, it is a core value for our other amendments. Free expression covers our freedom of speech, and press, it helps inform the public. So many other countries are told what they are allowed to publish in the news, America is able to publish whatever they want, this can be good and bad in some ways, but this way we are not told by the government what to say the civilians. Like they say, knowledge is power. Without free expression our reporting is restrained, when the whole story can not be told citizens can be in danger. This is a huge part of why free expression is so important, it can be extremely helpful for civilians. 
   Not only does free expression help civilians when it comes to news reporting, but it can also help inform voters. When we are more informed we are stronger voters and when we are stronger voters we have more fair elections which then creates better democracies. When we are more informed as voters we are able to decide for ourselves who we wish to vote for, who fits our ideology. Free expression also allows for you to advocate for your chosen advocate without the government punishing you in any way. So many countries do not even have the ability to chose who runs their country, we are lucky to be able to not only vote for who we want, but let others know who we are voting for and why we think other people should vote for them. Of course, there are some rules to go along with this, like not being able to advocate for your candidate within so many feet of a polling place. We are able to post our thoughts online, place signs in our yards, where tee shirts, and more. 
    We have to remember how lucky we are to have been able to be American citizens, we don't understand how our simple rights are rights that billions of other people all over the world do not have. 


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Blog 11: Final Blog

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