Thursday, September 24, 2020

Blog 4: Antiwar


   and The American Conservative  are clearly antiwar in their objective and ways of thinking. This is something that Americans do not see commonly everyday in this time. Antiwar protests were big in 1960-70's, during the Vietnam War. Most of these protestors are what we think of today as "hippies". I don't think I can accurately guess why it is so uncommon for us to hear antiwar voices, America is a free country after all, isn't it? In the times we are in now, I honestly feel as though I would be hearing a lot more antiwar voices. I grew up in a military family, so naturally I never heard any of this talk at home, but coming into college I really thought antiwar thoughts would be bigger. I am also shocked we don't hear more about people who are antiwar in the news. I genuinely do not think there would be as big of a backlash to it as news outlets might think they would receive. I think the reason we don't hear much about antiwar is fear from antiwar voices that their thoughts would be shot down right away in a very negative way. So, they put their voices on websites that are harder to find unless you are specifically seeking them out. I do think that the government wouldn't want strong antiwar voices out because it seems they are extremely pro-war and these voices would go completely against what they want. 


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