Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Blog 1: My News Sources

As a Journalism student, it is extremely important to be keeping up with the daily news. In the world of "fake news" it is critical to be checking various sources to find where the truth is hidden, it is not always in your face. In this post I will share with you my top 5 resources of all things news and information.

BBC News is a great source that I check daily. I really like using BBC News as it has news from all over the world that I might not be able to see from local newspapers or new sources that tend to simply cover the United States. BBC News has always seemed to have very unbiased reports and their website is extremely easy to navigate. It has been especially useful during the pandemic as they have a specific "Coronavirus" tab with their articles on the virus under it.

 C-Span is a great source when it comes to news for the US, it is extremely unbiased, when it comes to news telling as almost all of it is happening live-there are no reporters to pick what they want to tell. C-Span is live coverage of the US Senate, and has a morning talk show that discusses US government and politics. Not only is C-Span available on three TV channels, but they also have a radio show. I believe that this is a great source of news especially for writers and those interested in politics, it is real time, extremely factual information.

Tribune Review is a newspaper that is near my hometown, I really enjoy using it because they discuss world events, but also local events. I am able to get news from back home while at school, but also shows me some coverage that is world news. I truly only trust this outlet when it comes to the home town news, I am more hesitant when it comes to news focused on other parts of the US and the world in general. I am also careful when it comes their posts about politics, but it is also interesting to read what they have to say. 

Fox News  is a source that I check out often. I said in my intro that we are in an age where "fake news" is so easy to come by. Fox News is one that is constantly under attack for not having factual information. I like to check Fox News to see how their reporting is in comparison to other news outlets. I only view their online posts and rarely watch their broadcasts on TV, but I still think it is important to at least read an article or two by them to see what their reporting style is like. 

CNN News is very similar to Fox News, conservatives are often making claims that CNN only puts out fake news, so I like to view this as well. Again, I only read what they post online and do not watch their television broadcasts. I love to see the differences in the rhetoric between CNN and Fox, obviously they are big competitors, so I know almost always the reports are going to be vastly different. I believe that as journalists it is important to read both sides of stories that are put out regardless of our own beliefs and opinions on the matter.

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